With the festive season rapidly approaching, those who have imbibed a little too much the night before should be prepared with a locally available cure for those dreaded hangovers. The Mexican word for hangover is crudo, which literally translates as raw and perfectly describes the state you can find yourself in after a night on the town in Mexico.

We polled some locals who gave us some hard won advice and swear by these cures:

“Bloody Mary with the lot, if you can eat try pancakes,”

“eggs with very spicy salsa or chicken soup, hot & spicy,”

“advil & 2 glasses of water before bed,”

“chilaquiles & aqua de limon,”

“cheeseburger, find one, its worth the effort,”

“flavored milk & sweet breads,”

“just don’t drink, however that’s not practical so try not to sober up,”

“drink corona, it doesn’t give you a hangover,”


“find a hammock under a palm tree with a good book, this will cure anything.”

Good luck and remember, although you may feel bad, there is no nicer place to recover than here.

-December 1999